Taulebih Education Platform

I take great pride in creating exceptional website of Taulebih using the power of WordPress. With a focus on delivering delightful digital experiences and leveraging the latest design trends, I've had the privilege of working on remarkable projects that truly showcase the essence of businesses and individuals alike.

Built usingWordPressElementorPHP


Taulebih is an educational platform on sexuality and reproductive health based on religious values. They have a vision to normalize discussions about sexual and reproductive rights and health in Indonesia.

It was founded by Zhafira Aqyla, a religious values-based sexuality education researcher who initiated her research at Osaka University, Japan. Currently, Zhafira is pursuing her master's studies at Harvard Graduate School of Education, specializing in Learning Design, Innovation, and Technology, to further develop Taulebih into a platform that provides educational services and consultancy on sexuality education for Indonesia.

Problem Statement

Originally established as an Instagram account, Taulebih gained popularity due to its unique content that addresses current issues. With over 100k followers, the account started to broaden its horizons by transitioning from delivering educational content to offering live classes targeting schools and other educational institutions.

As the service expands, there is a need to automate and streamline their workflow in order to meet the increasing demands. Additionally, their content library on Instagram has grown significantly, making it challenging to locate specific topics due to the lack of feature.

The Solution

Considering the issue at hand, along with certain predefined conditions and constraints, I made the decision to develop a WordPress-based website that incorporates the use of Elementor. This allows for the creation of an interactive and personalized theme. The website includes features such as a product listing with a straightforward checkout process and an advanced content library.