RiglobeTV Digital Signage Management System

I took the lead in developing Riglobe's Digital Signage system, which included an internal system and a dynamic client application. Using Laravel as the backend API and JAMStack for the frontend, this project exemplifies my ability to create innovative digital solutions that solve unique business challenges. Let's explore the highlights of this project together.

Built usingNodeJSVueJSLaravelTailwind


Welcome to my project portfolio! I am proud to present RiglobeTV, a Digital Signage Management System that I developed as part of Riglobe Enterprise's product lineup. This project showcases my expertise in utilizing NodeJS, VueJS, TailwindCSS, Laravel, and Android technologies to create a powerful and efficient solution for business owners looking to enhance their storefronts with digital signage. Let's explore the problem statement, solution, and key highlights of this exciting project.

Problem Statement

Riglobe Enterprise recognized the growing demand for businesses to incorporate digital signage in their storefronts. However, they faced the challenge of managing and controlling the content on multiple screens efficiently. They needed a unified solution that would enable easy management of digital signage content while providing complete control over the screen devices.

The Solution

To address this challenge, I developed RiglobeTV, a comprehensive Digital Signage Management System. Leveraging the power of NodeJS, VueJS, TailwindCSS, Laravel, and Android, this solution enables business owners to effortlessly set up and manage digital signage in their storefronts. RiglobeTV provides a centralized platform to control and update content across multiple screens, offering a seamless and engaging experience for customers.